Sunday, April 13, 2008

Uncle Andy and Aunt Dana are up for a visit.
Charlie and Andy got along well at first, but then had a little tiff which led to out and out fighting on the couch. Lets watch as our hero tries to defeat his visiting villain uncle:

"Our hero starts by using pillow camouflage to stalk his victim...

But he us uncertain how to react to the same tactic from his uncle.

So he attacks...

and is clobbered...

and buried...

He rests. Strategizing.

Rising from the chaos he feigns confusion.

Using his victims softness against him, Charlie turns and, smiling, attacks!

but outweighed by a factor of 5 or 6, against an opponent with a
ridiculous reach advantage there is little hope as our hero is pummeled.

Defeated at last he says...

Lets do that again."

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