Sunday, May 20, 2007

We had a warm week last week so Charlie got to spend some time shirtless staring out the window, sometimes very intently.

Mothers Day Picnic with friends at Iwo Jima
(the memorial, not the island)

Taking pictures of one kid is tough, and two is really bad,
but the other night persistence paid off.

but here are the outtakes:

And then we went for three:

and finally some success:

Thanks to Linda, Windy, Jonas and Addison for a nice evening, and all the pictures, including the two good ones.
Charlie has done this thing, where he sort of sucks on his tongue. It is hard to describe, but it looks pretty funny. there are two videos here is part 1:

Part 2

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another milestone of late,
Charlie is pulling himself up
on pretty much anything.

Getting ready for bed...

Charlie has a favorite shirt.
It is not this one, but I am working on him.

Notice in the close up it is a very masculine pattern.
I mean the look says it all:
"None of this metrosexual foolishness for this kid!"
Paige has been keeping the blog for while now,
but I am back now that the end of
semester rush is out of the way.
Anyway Charlie has been growing hair
at an alarming rate,
and its coming in darker
than either mine or Paige's ever was.

Its a little freaky isn't it.

Just kidding.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Note: Correction has been made below (thanks to EB, MC).
Apparently I need to brush up on my Happy Days terminology :)
Just call him "the Fonz"...
