Sunday, January 28, 2007

Charlie has been working on sitting up by himself
(in his safely padded seat with boppy and duck for lumbar support)
and I think he is practicing his facial expressions. Like...

expressing disbelief


cool guy (over the shoulder look)

and of course, mischievousness .

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Many people have asked how the dogs are adjusting to Charlie.
They have been great.
Miller, as you would expect, is somewhat skittish around him.

Mabel is a champ and lets Charlie pull at her fur. She seems to enjoy him.

How cute are these boys???

Charlie (5.5 mts.) with Isaiah (7 mts.) and John Tyler (2 mts.)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Today is Nat's birthday. Happy Birthday Nat!!!

(Blog entry by Paige :)
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

He is eating cereal now.
The cereal is bland but not really disgusting or anything...

..and then again, it is.
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I know there has been a lot of pictures of the Jumparoo, but that's because
he really likes it. Anyway, Charlie was reading some pillow book
Mama T sent him and I realized Charlie is like those women at the
gym that read Us Weekly and Instyle etc... while on the treadmill.
The good folks at Jumparoo Inc. put a magazine or plush book
tray in the Jumparoo. I am afraid Charlie may end up being
one of those crazy people (crazy unless you do this and then you
are the exception to the rule) who read while they drive,
and not at traffic lights mind you, but on the beltway.
I am afraid of this because the boy is clearly rapt with the book
and of the drivers, he never really stops jumping.
We will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Looking up from his book...
Turning pages...
This is a real nail biter...sorry could not resist..
He seems pretty happy!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Charlie and Isaiah met up for some play time and were wearing matching pj's.
As you can see, they are already becoming good buddies.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Looking cute in his new sweater!

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Charlie doesn't mess around with cold weather...

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Charlie can only flip channels for so long...

... before the temper flares and remotes start flying.
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Charlie's Gene Simmons impression.

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Charlie has learned to dance.

Just call him Mr Bojangles.

Worn out (thus the panting) and resting with Mom
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Friday, January 05, 2007


I've been talking so much about this thing I thought you should see it in action. Mind you this was taken about 12 minutes before bedtime.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Jumparoo 2
So Charlie is really liking this jumparoo thing and
has begun sort of yelling in delight as he jumps.

You can tell he likes it but it has a little song that plays whenever he has a little jumping spree.
It is the same riff with slightly different accent sounds. It sounds cartoonish.
It really gets on my nerves when I am trying to get work done, but he likes it so we let it play.
I realized we had heard it too much when Paige told me her favorite part was at the
end when it went, "duh-nu-nu-ne-nu-le-leh."
Thats right, we have descended to the point where our favorite music is played by toys.
Well, almost. You're worth it Charlie.
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Monday, January 01, 2007

The QB scans the field, finds his favorite reciever and fires...

Reciever looks left...

Looks right...

and fumbles the ball...

To be continued...
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