Friday, October 26, 2007

We were so glad to see Sarah and Mrs. Vidal this week. It was a short visit, but we made the most of our time together. It is always fun to catch up with them and hear about what is going on in their lives. And, of course, they were instant friends with Charlie :)
Bedtime Ritual

Fun Times at the Fall Festival

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am very blessed to have such a resourceful and talented husband. He has constructed everything from a hovercraft to a new kitchen. However, I am going to veto Nat's latest creation. It is likely that this picture will show up in one of those chain e-mails like "you know you are a redneck if" or better yet "you know you are in the ghetto when"....

"Air Filter"
Once again, the blog has been short on posts. We'll try to post some pictures in the coming week. For now, here are some shots from this weekend. The weather has been so nice here, and Charlie has been happy to exert some of his energy outdoors.
Hanging out with Dad

Outside with his buddy

Making a funny face for the camera

He stuffs his mouth full of food...

...and thinks it's funny :)

Watching for Dad

Just plain cute!