Wednesday, August 30, 2006

When he was young he looked like this... old and wise, coming up on 4 weeks,
he looks like this.
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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Getting love from the friends at Porter's baptism celebration.
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Fighting sleep...

but losing.
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"Looking out the Window"
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"Tummy Time"
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I asked, "Buddy, What do you want to do today?"
and Charlie didn't say,
he just looked...

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Per Quiz Question 6.

This is a Nat's eye view- complete with center nose view-
of Charlie loving the Baby Bjorn. He likes it gangsta- laid back.
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A True False Quiz of questions I think I now know the answer to ( but like most people like to be confirmed when the teacher returned my paper):
1. T of F. Babies -all of them- do not suffer wiping their faces lightly.
2. T or F. Babies produce more sleep in the corner of their eye than one might believe- much less expect.
3. If you compare the sleep production of adults to babies and their respective eyeball sizes what is the opproximate ratio of sleep prduction per unit eyeball size of babies compared with adults?
4. T or F. Babies can burp louder than their dads.
5. T or F. Babies try to flop their heads and stretch their necks in the belief that their necks will be most comfortable in the instant before they can loose their heads from their bodies.
6. T or F. Babies love to be strapped in a harness and hung from your shoulders.
7. T or F. Babies like music and like to dance( not really dance themselves but you know what I mean.).
8 T or F. Babies like to poop in a fresh diaper, That is why they wait one minute after you change the wet one to let it go.
9. T or F. They love baths.
10. T or F. Goes to sleep to this lullabye.

1. T
2. T
3. Any number over 10
4. T
5. T
6. T (See next post)
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Napping- our current favorite passtime at Park Place.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

-Viva La Revolucion!-

-our little Che

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"...ok, step 1 says insert hand into ventriloquist's dummy.."
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Note: You can comment now. I had it set to limit comments but I changed the settings.

Very interested in his housemate.
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Funny faces
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Monday, August 21, 2006

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nekkid in the tub
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

So Charlie was sitting up Sunday morning,
watching his parents eat and practicing good posture.
Then the Hiccups began ...and the slide.

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-sliding part 2-

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-sliding part 3-

...hiccupping to the end of the line.
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This picture is my artistic representation of 2 nights ago.
Thankfully we slept very well last night.
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