Sunday, January 21, 2007

I know there has been a lot of pictures of the Jumparoo, but that's because
he really likes it. Anyway, Charlie was reading some pillow book
Mama T sent him and I realized Charlie is like those women at the
gym that read Us Weekly and Instyle etc... while on the treadmill.
The good folks at Jumparoo Inc. put a magazine or plush book
tray in the Jumparoo. I am afraid Charlie may end up being
one of those crazy people (crazy unless you do this and then you
are the exception to the rule) who read while they drive,
and not at traffic lights mind you, but on the beltway.
I am afraid of this because the boy is clearly rapt with the book
and of the drivers, he never really stops jumping.
We will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Looking up from his book...
Turning pages...
This is a real nail biter...sorry could not resist..
He seems pretty happy!


Anonymous said...

I love this series!! So cute and he is such a ham. How do you get these pics? We really miss him.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Malkus is so cute, exceptionally so I might add, these pictures are so funny.