Sunday, February 04, 2007

This is charlie's half birthday. Some parents may spoil their kids with a party or some sweets or something. But not me, I am old school. On your birthday you get good stuff, but life is no bowl of cherries and my son is going to be ready for the the good and the bad. So on his half birthday he got some celebratory mashed peas for lunch. This is the first time he ever had them and, well, lets let the images speak for themselves.
First taste.
Needless to say, we still have most of a contained of peas in the fridge.
Charlie suggested I put them up on Craigslist, but I
think he will be seeing that spoonful of big green again soon.


Anonymous said...

Just mix honey, sugar or molasses in with them while paige isn't looking!!! works every time...


Anonymous said...

no the previous post was not posted while church was in progress,,, my computer is set for bangkok standard time ;-))))


Anonymous said...

I second that motion, peas are always better with a little sugar or honey. He is really a beautiful boy.

Anonymous said...

The expression on Charlie's face confirms my opinion that peas are really kinda yucky - try sweet potatoes.